My Biography

Greetings, I am Elena Odone, a professional psychic with 20 years of experience in providing insightful guidance and intuitive readings. As a seasoned expert in the field, I specialize in love and relationship-related issues, offering my clients accurate and comprehensive readings to help them gain clarity and understanding in their personal lives.
My abilities allow me to look into the future and provide my clients with information that can help them make informed decisions and navigate their lives with confidence. I have helped countless individuals find happiness and fulfillment in their relationships, careers, and personal pursuits. I am committed to providing compassionate and non-judgmental guidance to my clients, helping them unlock their true potential and achieve their goals.

Psychic Specialities

With my extensive experience and expertise, I offer a unique and personalized approach to psychic readings, combining my innate intuition with a deep understanding of the human psyche. I am committed to providing compassionate and non-judgmental guidance to my clients, helping them unlock their true potential and achieve their goals. If you are seeking clarity and guidance in your life, I invite you to experience the transformative power of my psychic readings. Let me help you unlock your true potential and live your best life.

My specialists are including :

love and relationships
Destiny/Life Path

Experience and Qualifications

With over 20 years of experience in the field, I have honed my abilities to provide accurate and insightful readings that can help guide you towards a happier, more fulfilling life. Whether you're seeking guidance on love, career, finances, or any other aspect of your life, I am here to help.My approach to psychic readings is holistic and intuitive, meaning that I will tap into your energy field to gain a deeper understanding of your situation. I use a variety of techniques, including tarot card readings, to help me connect with your energy and provide you with the guidance you need.My goal is to help you gain clarity and insight into your situation so that you can make informed decisions and move forward with confidence.
my psychic profile is about helping you connect with your inner wisdom and find the answers you seek. I am here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to live your best life, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.


Working hours

Every day from 9:00 to 19:00

Main information

  • Languages spoken
  • English

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Char 26 April If ye don't believe then that's OK. Just I don't want to feel I can't say anything I felt I get karma and lose the guy I love for outing her . The truth has to be told .
Thank you. 🙏
Char 26 April 2 walk away realizing what she is like. I am now in a good headspace to see now what she is really like. Just be careful. She said she even pay me 50 if I'd help her out ....
Psychic mix watch out who your working with even ask Psychicworld Thank u
Char 26 April I wanted to c what she is like she said I was her friend but I wasn't only to use me to get my info. She told me that I could msg poi on dating app that she would help me even had her phone number yet still paying her... I'm glad to finally....
Char 26 April 👇
To write back from her reply she told me I should get her special prayer which would cost me€300 she is a fraud . Who wanted to use my personal Information. She got banned from psychicworld as I emailed them and they told me what she is like

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